General Helpdesk Settings
Adjust the helpdesk app settings and click "save changes" button.
Design Settings
- Header background color - allows setting the top bar color. Dark color is highly recommended for a nice-looking design and for the gradient filling to stay visible.
- Menu background color - menu bar color. No special notes.
- Logo image - custom logo image. PNG format is required. Transparent background is highly recommended for a nice look. The image should be 60 pixels height (if larger - it will be resized, and this may not look good).
- Favicon image - custom logo image. PNG format is required. Transparent background is highly recommended. The image should be 32 x 32 pixels.
- Helpdesk title - this name will show on top of every page in the application.
- Title link - by default, top-left title (and logo) links to the helpdesk-app's main screen. You might want it to link to your own website - set it here. And don't forget the "http://" prefix.
- Helpdesk URL - (hosted version only) this is the "" address you want to use.
- Helpdesk custom domain URL - (hosted version only) if you want to use a custom domain - set it up here. Then follow these instructions.
Advanced JavaScript and CSS
- Custom CSS - this CSS code will be added to every helpdesk page. Be careful, changing CSS may lead to bugs and glitches.
- Custom JavaScript - this JavaScript code will be added to every helpdesk page. Be careful, changing JS may lead to bugs and glitches.
- KB-specific CSS - any extra CSS you want to add to your KB pages (all pages) along with the "global" custom CSS (see above).
- KB-specific JS - any scripts you want to insert into KB pages. This can be Google analytics code or something like that.
Regional settings
- Language - specify the UI_language for the app here
- Time zone - specify your time zone, unless you want the helpdesk app to use default sever time.
- Working hours - specify the working hours range (like "9 to 5"). This is used for reports, to calculate "durations" (i.e. how many hours spent on a ticket etc). You can leave this blank.
Various Settings
- Restrict ticket deletion to Admins only - allows ticket deletion to Administrators ONLY. Turn it off to allow users delete their own tickets.
- Restrict ticket closing to Technicians only - Turn it off to allow users Close their own tickets
- Everyone sees everyone's tickets - by default, users can see their own tickets only. And technicians see tickets from the categories, they are assigned to by admin. BUT with this setting on - all users will be able to see each other's tickets.
- Disable "assets" - completely hide the asset management module.
- Disable avatars - do not use avatars with user profiles.
- Auto-assign the first replying technician as ticket-agent - the first technician who replies to a "new" unassigned ticket becomes the "assigned" technician and the ticket automatically moves to "in-progress".
- Allow assigning multiple techs to one ticket - allows you add "secondary assignees" to a ticket. The ticket will still have ONE main assignee, but you can add one or more "secondary" techs who help him. Being a secondary assignee allows seeing the ticket in "assigned to me" list, but that's it.
- Allow users from the same company see each other's tickets - every user profile has a "company" field. This option allows users from the same "company" see each other's tickets.
- Disable automatic 'time spent' clock on the ticket page - every time a technicians looks at a ticket in the web-application - the automatic timer tracks the time, the ticket has been open. This field can be edited manually as well.
- Default category - this category will be preselected by default on the "new ticket" page. A user can then change it.
- Note on the ticket creation page - the message will be displayed on top of the "new ticket" page. You can put some extra instructions or something similar into it. HTML allowed.
- Auto-close inactive tickets after X days - if a ticket awaits an update from a customer, and the customer hasn't replied in X days - the ticket closes automatically.
- Reopen closed tickets on new replies - Choose what happens to a ticket when a new reply from a customer comes after the ticket has been closed:
- Yes - always reopen tickets on new replies
- No - keep tickets closed no matter what happens (not recommended)
- Within days - only reopen if a ticket was closed within X days. If a new reply comes after the set number of days a new ticket will be created.
Knowledge base Settings
- KB description - the "title" text for your Knowledge base. It is shown on the KB homepage, on the top. You can use HTML.
- Allow unregistered users access the Knowledge Base - makes the Knowledge Base accessible to guests
Authentication settings
Shared secret for remote authentication - if you want to utilize the helpdesk's "remote authentication API" on your website or application, specify the shared key here. When you redirect your authenticated users to the helpdesk, use this link format:
where HASH is calculated as follows: MD5(name + email + shared-secret + dd + mm)
, "dd" and "mm" being current day and month (2 digits).
If the user account does not yet exist in the helpdesk system it will be created automatically. Read more here also try our autologin builder
As you can see you can optionally pass the "new_ticket" parameter that will redirect a user to the ticket submission form right after he has been "auto-authenticated" by the helpdesk.
- Allow unregistered users submit tickets without logging in - allows unregistered users to submit new tickets right from the login page, without registering.
- Allow new users to register themselves - shows a "register now" sign-up link to a user, who has no account yet. Turn this option OFF if you want to add all new users manually.
- Allow users to edit their username and email - you can disable this option, so users do not change their username accidentally.
- Enable 'login with Google' - allows user log in with their Google account.
- Remote login URL - when a user tries to login into the helpdesk app - you can redirect him to a custom login URL (at your site or a web-app) where you would authenticate the user and then send him back to the helpdesk app. If you accidentally set a faulty login URL - simply open the default login page with a "noredirect" parameter, like this "/User/Login?noredirect=1"
- Enable SAML 2.0 single sign on - you can enable single sign-on with a SAML-provider (like OneLogin for example)
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